Price 3,960 JPY
”Hohin", an unhandled tea pot that has been inherited since the period of the eighth generation Chobei.
Walnut tea saucer. Production of Yamano Kagu Furniture Studio, a workshop located in the Keihoku, Kyoto. It goes well with Asahiyaki's cup and mug.
A teacup saucer made by Yamano Kagu Furniture Studio in the northern part of Kyoto using thinned wood of magnolia obovata tree in Kyoto. The size suitable for both S and M tea cup of Asahiyaki. It can also be used as a small plate.
Tea chest produced by Mr. Satoshi Nagano, Nagano Works, who studied woodworking in Finland. It is used for storing the green tea utensils. It is made from Kalopanax septemlobus tree that inhabit only in Japan, and the more you use it, the taste of tree will gradually increase.